3 August 2024

Guy Barnett, Minister for Health, Mental Health and Wellbeing

The Tasmanian Government is ensuring GP clinics can continue to operate and provide the care Tasmanians need with grants of up to $250,000 now open for eligible practices.

From today, applications are now open for multi-year funding of up to $250,000 per year to support the viability of eligible GP practices in regional, rural and outer-urban parts of Tasmania.

The General Practice Sustainability and Viability Initiative is an important part of the nation-leading GP Guarantee we took to the election, and will allow eligible GPs to enhance their current services, to the benefit of all Tasmanians.

Minister for Health, Mental Health and Wellbeing, Guy Barnett said GPs are important pillars of rural and regional communities.

“Our Government understands the importance of people being able to access primary health care in their own community, which is a key part of our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania’s Future,” Minister Barnett said.

“GPs and their practices are part of the very fabric of communities right across the State, and we are doing what we can to support them and ensure their ongoing viability.

“This important initiative will support GPs in Tasmania’s rural, regional and outer-urban areas to enhance their models of care and improve ongoing access to services amongst the community.

“While the Federal Labor Government continues to neglect their responsibility for this important sector, we are stepping in where we can to ensure our GP practices are supported and sustainable for the long-term.

“I encourage eligible GP practices around the State to apply for these grants to strengthen their existing services, and I look forward to seeing the benefits for all Tasmanians.”

Projects that will be considered for funding include developing innovative models of care such as the use of nurse practitioners, expanding practices with capital upgrades, professional development and training for staff and provision of outreach services for those in need.

Applications are open from today (3 August 2024) until 8 September 2024.

Further information can be found at https://www.health.tas.gov.au/publications/general-practice-sustainability-and-viability-initiative

The Tasmanian Government’s GP Guarantee also includes:

  1. The GP Incentive Package which includes a $100,000 settlement allowance for GPs to practice in rural and regional areas of the State; and
  2. A new GP NOW Rapid Response Team of 10 GPs ready to provide support across Tasmania.