19 July 2024

Nick Duigan, Minister for Energy and Renewables

Tasmania is continuing to ensure its Renewable Energy future with draft legislation released to deliver the framework for new Renewable Energy Zones in the state.

Minister for Energy and Renewables, Nick Duigan, said the Government’s 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania’s Future will drive new investment, create thousands of jobs, and secure the state’s energy supply.

“Renewable Energy Zones give communities a strong voice in the development of the new energy projects the state needs, and ensures locals directly benefit from the investment," said Minister Duigan. 

“The draft legislation secures the creation of a regional fund that will be administered by the community.

“Renewable energy zones also allow the infrastructure needed to connect new projects to be shared and coordinated, lowering overall costs and power bills for Tasmanian households and businesses.” 

Minister Duigan said the draft legislation is parallel to consultation being undertaken for the proposed North West REZ.

“I want to emphasise the REZ legislation does not seek to rezone or put covenants on any land within a future REZ area, nor does it change any land use planning or environmental approvals processes required to be followed by proponents wishing to construct in any declared REZs,” Minister Duigan said.

“The Tasmanian Government is committed to consulting widely on the proposed changes and I look forward to hearing the views of the community on this important piece of legislation.”

Consultation on the draft legislation will continue until 1 September 2024.

Details can be found here.