28 July 2024

Guy Barnett, Minister for Health, Mental Health and Wellbeing

This DonateLife Week, the Tasmanian Government is encouraging Tasmanians to register as organ and tissue donors and be the reason someone else gets a second chance at life.

Minister for Health, Mental Health and Wellbeing, Guy Barnett, said DonateLife Week highlights the importance of organ and tissue donation.

“There are around 1,800 people in Australia on the organ waitlist and 14,000 more on dialysis for kidney failure, who need Australians’ help,” Minister Barnett said.

“Around 48 per cent of Tasmanians are currently registered organ donors, compared to 36 per cent nationally.

“Organ donation is sacred, and our Government is working to ensure Tasmanian organ donors, their families and organ recipients can seek closure.

“Our proposed amendments to the Human Tissues Act 1985, will enhance healthcare delivery in Tasmania, something we are working hard to achieve under our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania’s Future.” 

A range of activities are taking place across Tasmania throughout DonateLife Week to promote organ and tissue donation. 

This includes more than 60 cafes statewide who have joined the “Register in two sips” campaign by encouraging donor registration via coffee cup stickers and posters, which feature a QR code to access the online donor register.

DonateLife Week runs from Sunday July 28 to Sunday August 4.

Registering as an organ and tissue donor at www.donatelife.gov.au, or on your Express Plus Medicare app.