Jeremy Rockliff

Premier of Tasmania

4 July 2024

Eric Abetz, Minister for Business, Industry and Resources

Tasmanian Government calls out activist lawfare

A report released by the Menzies Research Centre yesterday reveals the extent of the Green lobbying machine’s impact on local jobs and investment.

In 2023, Tasmanian and mainland activists raised a whopping $275 million which is funding vexatious legal action, propaganda and direct protest action across the country.

This represents a 140% increase in funding since 2015, with these organisations also now employing 880 FTEs nationwide. 

In Tasmania, a consortium of well-funded, lawyered-up activist organisations are attacking salmon jobs on the West Coast, sustainable native forestry, renewable energy projects in the North West and mining in the multi-use Tarkine.

Minister for Business, Industry and Resources, Eric Abetz, said the Menzies Research Centre’s report blows the lid on the Trojan horse of environmental activism in Tasmania and nationally.

“There can be no doubt that many of these organisations left their interest in on-ground, practical environmental works behind years ago and are now professionally-run fundraising machines,” said Minister Abetz. 

“In Tasmania, these groups use funds raised from unsuspecting inner-city donors on the mainland to undermine regional jobs and stymie investment in projects that would provide renewable energy, sustainably produced timber, or the minerals needed for everyday life.

“That the Albanese Labor Government continues to provide taxpayer funds to activist groups dedicated to smashing jobs shows just how far the so-called ‘party for workers’ has fallen.

“The Tasmanian Liberal Government stands shoulder to shoulder with workers in our productive industries in the face of the green onslaught.”

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