7 June 2024

Nick Duigan, Minister for Parks and Environment

Tasmanians are being encouraged to ‘Burn Brighter This Winter’ to control smoke from household wood heaters.

Minister for Parks and Environment, Nick Duigan, said while cosy nights in front of the fire are a wonderful Tasmanian tradition, it’s important to remember that wood heater smoke can cause health problems or even neighbourhood conflict.

“Many Tasmanians use older wood heaters, but it is possible to operate them in a way that reduces smoke at the chimney,” said Minister Duigan.

“The EPA and local councils have some great tips, like burning wood with a flame for 20 minutes when loading up heaters with new wood, rather than shutting down the air intake straight away. This simple technique creates less smoke for neighbours and the wider community.

“An important part of our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania's Future is to make our state the best place to live, work and raise a family, which is why we want to ensure that smoke does not cause poor air quality in winter, especially in built-up areas and colder regions.

“Exposure can cause considerable health impacts for elderly people, young children, or anyone with a respiratory disease. 

“While our superb BLANkET air quality monitoring system can give Tasmanians an early warning for problem smoke, the good news is residents can also burn wood in a way that creates less smoke, can minimise pollution and reduce health risks to their household and the community.”

  • Always burn with a flame – don’t let your fire smoulder.
  • After reloading, open the air control and burn your fire on high for 20 minutes, especially before going to bed.
  • Only burn dry, seasoned wood.
  • Ensure your flue is clean and your wood heater or fireplace is well maintained.

Using your wood heater efficiently can reduce annual heating costs and will provide more heat and send less smoke out into your local area.

Further information on the Burn Brighter this Winter campaign can be found on the EPA’s website at www.epa.tas.gov.au/burn-brighter